I am trying to find a care sheet for this little cutie before I convince my husband that ordering orchids over the internet is not a bad idea. Does anyone happen to have one? When I surf the internet, I'm getting lots of info about the genus, but nothing species specific.
It looks like the draculas would be a great fit for my environment here and they're small and adorable. I think this is what I've been looking for! Thank you for your help!
There is a subscription service that gives very worthwhile information on species culture. Cost is $1.00 per species, but the info is worth it: Orchid Culture -- Charles and Margaret Baker
Dracula lotax is one of the species for which care information is given. The site was started by Charles & Margaret Baker, now maintained by Troy Meyers.
I grow this on moderate light meaning lesser than Phalaenopsis it is on the deepest end of my east facing window of the bathroom almost darkly lit....cool environment about 60F to 35F....lots of humidity above 55%....you must not put this in bright light or higher than 70 F temps it will shrivel and dry....
evenly moist watering but not wet....easy on the fertilizer but gotta feed it....
From what I was reading, it's hard to overwater dracula lotax. I can provide a lower light environment than what I have for the phals, but maintaining the humidity will be a trick.