I bought this little guy in march last year in flower. Since then I've not really been sure it was doing much. But about a month ago I spotted buds and now it's covered in these tiny flowers.
I grow it a bit bright which leads to red leaves. I grow it with the Masdies in the greenhouse and was planning all last year to put it in moss and a clay pot like them but never got around to it, so it's still in the bark and plastic pot I bought it in. Must get it re-potted this year!
The flowers are tiny and taking pics last year with my compact camera was really difficult, only managed because the camera could focus with the plant almost touching the lens. Much easier this year with a DSLR and 100mm macro lens. Flowers are perhaps 1cm from centre to the end of the fattest part of the petal with maybe another 1/2cm out to the very tip. Leaves on this guy are about 4cm.
It has 10 flowers open, one as already faded and there are 3 buds, 2 of which are almost open. It's probably been opening over the last couple of weeks although I didn't make a note of when I spotted the first open flower so I can't be sure.