Originally Posted by silken
That is just beautiful and looks so healthy. I have one that is 3/4 veitchiana and my first bud just blasted recently. It now has another one and it looks fine so far. Any tips to get it to open? Mine get fairly cool temps and quite high humidity. It seemed like the flower couldn't get out of the sheath last time. Seeing yours makes me have hope!
The first flower on this last year blasted, but I think it got too warm as it was growing the spike through mid summer and the greenhouse was getting warm. I think also letting it dry out to much can make them blast.
I keep them in clay pots in moss. The evaporation from the clay cools the root zone and as veitchanna is a real cool lover they seem to appreciate this. I would never grow something like Phals or Dens in moss, but the Masdies seem to like it. I keep the moss always damp and try and avoid letting it dry out (but a hole in the bottom of the pot means it's always well drained). At this time of year I am watering every couple of days, sometimes every day just to stop the moss drying out.
Humidity is actually something I struggle with, but they do like it high so I do my best to keep that up. The temps over the winter were down between 3C and 10C most of the time and these spikes (and the one on the amabilis) started during that time. Now it's a lot warmer and I was worried that would cause them to blast, but they seem to still be happy