I aquired some no name Restrepia from Rob (littlefrog) and this one is flowering now. Based on the flower I believe it to be Restrepia ephippium. It seems to be the correct size, the synsepal is reflexed and it's flowering in spring. Plus the flower has the same overall look and color. The leaves also turn red in bright light.
I would like to hear from any of you that know more about Restrepia than I do (that means most of you).
What exactly do want to know about Restrepia? They seem like a pretty straightforward group of Pleuros given you know how to grow Pleuros to begin with.
You have a Restrepia muscifera, I'd grow it like that. If I'm not mistaken, at one point in time I grew this guy, but it was sold to me as Restrepia antennifera which it clearly wasn't. This was one of the only Restrepias I bought with a distinctively red leaf (I could be wrong). It's a strict intermediate grower though compared to Restrepia muscifera which can take it a bit cooler.
I guess I should have said I would like to hear your thoughts on the id of this particular plant. Not Restrepia in general.
I don't think this is muscifera. I have one flowering now and the flower always seem to be help close to the leaf and look very different. This is on a long 2-3" inflorescence and is standing well above the leaf. All of these match the description of ephippium.
I knew this plant wasn't Restrepia muscifera. I was referring to the fact that you owned Restrepia muscifera already, and that culture for the "Restrepia ephippium" would be similar to each other.
I can't give you a difinitive id on whether your plant is Restrepia ephippium.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 04-28-2009 at 12:50 AM..
I knew this plant wasn't Restrepia muscifera. I was referring to the fact that you owned Restrepia muscifera already, and that culture for the "Restrepia ephippium" would be similar to each other.
I can't give you a difinitive id on whether your plant is Restrepia ephippium.
Hi, The flower could be the Restrepia Contorta, but the leaves are from the Restrepia Ephippium from my country.... Enjoy this beauty from Ecuador!!!! CONGRATS this plants are easy to grow.... you can see all restrepias in Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia....