I spent some time today looking online trying to find some information for you. Haven't found this bird on any of the Trinidad-Tobago bird sites but I had to say I was drooling over the many strikingly beautiful birds you have there!
I spent some time today looking online trying to find some information for you. Haven't found this bird on any of the Trinidad-Tobago bird sites but I had to say I was drooling over the many strikingly beautiful birds you have there!
Did you look at Summer Tanager? They are there, this time of year.
Hi Guy's,
I did send this image to an bird lady here and she thinks it is probably a silver beaked tanager a female.They are native to this area and they are not migrants.
She said that was beautiful photograph.
it is too rufous for a summer tanager, and the beak is also too black..
I am not ver y familiar with teh birds of Trinidad and Tobago, but I would go for either a female tachyphonus Tanager (most probably T. rufus = White lined Tanager) , or either a female Ramphocelus tanager, or a Habia tanager... But I would stay with White-lined T