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12-11-2007, 04:42 PM
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My morning in the Jungle, or “Busted for blabbering”
To the "Parronts" here, who can best understand what I went through in the below story.
This is something that I wrote some time ago and thought to share it with you here as well.
My morning in the Jungle, or “Busted for blabbering.”
There I was going about my morning business in the bathroom when from the living room, where all the Jungle denizens are housed during the day, comes a timid call from either Gracie or Ruby.
They are at times indistinguishable from one another in their vocalizations.
Well, one call deserves another and soon the whole lot of them was, in their own way, calling to me and wanting to know just what the heck was taking so long and why didn’t I answer right away?
My morning “toiletries” are on some days the only time I have to actually “sit” and read a bit and so I was engrossed in the fifth book of the Harry Potter saga when the ruckus started.
Not wanting to, nor indeed able to, get up right away and go back into the living room to show them that they had not been abandoned, (which at times I am sorely tempted to do) I let them know in a louder voice than usual that I would be out in just a minute and if they would please just “Hush” and “Be quite” while I finish my business.
True to their nature, that didn’t faze them at all, nope, not one bit, quite the contrary, it got them to be more insistent in their calls and need to see me back in the living room where they could keep an eye on me.
So like any good parront I yelled some more. “SHUT THE HECK UP FOR A SECOND WILL YOU?”
Nothing doing, no dice.
So in my frustration and subsequent inability to actually “finish” my business I reached over to the sink, opened and then slammed the door to the cabinet shut creating a very loud bang.
Instant silence.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
So there I was still sitting on the family throne grinning like a fool for having caused them to be silent for a bit and able to see in my minds eye just how each of them had reacted to the new noise. Heads up, eyes pinning and flashing, feathers ruffled and looking about to see where this had come from.
A whole minute passed in total silence, and for them that’s a very long time, when BB, my ‘Tiel, gave a soft whistle … as a sort of checking the waters kind of call … when to my utter astonishment I heard Ruby clear as a bell tell her to “Hush,” followed by Gracie saying “Be quite” and in the background Cleo going “Oh Man!”
Gracie, “Shhhhh, shhhhh” and Ruby replying “Your gunna get in trouble” and I guess that last statement was so funny to Cleo that she started to laugh like only a maniac Senegal can do, which in turn set everyone else of again killing any peace I might have had.
So there you have it, busted for blabbering. Sigh, there’s always tomorrow.
Now if only there was a traveling circus looking for birds in the area…
I love them to death, I really do but have no flipping clue as to why, lol. 

12-11-2007, 04:49 PM
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You have quite a knack for story-telling! 

12-11-2007, 05:19 PM
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Should have told them the story about the "brown whale".

12-11-2007, 07:24 PM
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12-27-2007, 03:49 PM
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Being a parront myself, I do understand the lack of privacy. 'Bird' demands the bathroom door be left open and then she sits on her perch making gagging noises!!!
I enjoyed reading your story. Your writing is very smooth and entertaining.

12-27-2007, 05:25 PM
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That is so cute! Thanks for sharing! kiki-do
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