Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw?
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw?
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Old 05-31-2012, 12:55 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw?

Thanks all! Well, I just got given an extention on my deadline! So more answers very welcome.

I really need some more 'controls', so the survey is open to anyone who has a cat! If you don't have one that uses their paws, just don't answer the questions that don't apply!

Thank you again!

(I'm going to go do some of my work as in paid work, then come back and collapse. I didn't go to bed last night...)
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Old 05-28-2013, 02:06 AM
Island Girl Island Girl is offline
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw? Female

I have a cat that scratches beside her water bowl ~while she drinks~ & scratches around her wet food bowl after she's done (like she's covering it up) So, I will take ur survey! (I'm pretty sure I qualify as a control) Good luck! & would love to know your findings when they are all compiled!

Also, we used to have a cat that LOVED to eat cantelope he would hunt it down... My bro (when we were kids) used to have to fight him off to be able to eat his cantelope w/o the cat interfering Lol -the cat, Flash, was de-clawed (b/c my parents were a little worried as my bro was around 2yrs old when Flash & his brothers & sisters were born... But haven't had any cats declawed since) and my brother always had my mom use a melon-baller to scoop his cantelope out, so the little balls of cantelope were perfect for Flash to get a hold of... It was so funny... We would have to put Flash outside so he could eat! The wierd thing is, is that Flash's mother also loved cantelope, but she was a bit nicer about getting it from my brother Lol

Last edited by Island Girl; 05-28-2013 at 02:14 AM.. Reason: Forgot to add something... Think I qualify as a "control"
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Old 05-29-2013, 08:02 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw?

Really sorry... this is an old thread, and I thought I'd posted results. I must have got mixed up I was so exhausted at the time!

Like I say, it was a while back. I don't think there was any massive revelation came out of it! Unfortunately it was a bit of a small group for anything definite. One thing that was suggested was that there might be a link with multi-cat households. Unfortunately the way I'd set up the questionaire meant I didn't actually get accurate numbers of cats per household, so it depended how you estimated numbers! So further research would have to be done... Maybe one day!

Re declawing: if in future you come across anyone thinking of having it done, get them to read this first: FAQs about cat declawing | The Paw Project
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Old 05-30-2013, 09:12 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I only found out about people in the USA declawing cats a couple of days ago and that most people don't realise exactly what it involves for the cat. This is another link to read before having it done. Glad it's not a practice done in the UK.

The Cruelty of Cat Declawing | Nashville Paw
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Old 05-30-2013, 10:34 AM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw? Male

Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
I only found out about people in the USA declawing cats a couple of days ago and that most people don't realise exactly what it involves for the cat. This is another link to read before having it done. Glad it's not a practice done in the UK.

The Cruelty of Cat Declawing | Nashville Paw
I have to say, most people really don't have any idea.
It's brought up in casual conversation a lot in my area. As a good idea for their cat.

Most people assume it's sort of like permanently clipping a nail. Every time I ask them what they think declawing entails, and it anyways ends with something along the lines of "don't they just permanently clip it short or something?".

And honestly even if you tell them what it actually is, or they already know, they generally don't care.
"It's just a cat"
"Well I don't want scratch marks on my couches"
And my personal favorite which you would be surprised how often I hear
"Its a cat, it's not like it can remember or feel it or anything"

Most of the people I know who declaw their cats are perfectly aware what it entails. They just couldn't care less.

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Old 05-30-2013, 10:49 AM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw? Male

Actually if you read the comments on the page you posted you'll find some examples of what I'm talking about.

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Old 06-23-2013, 08:06 PM
Island Girl Island Girl is offline
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Anyone got a cat that eats with their paw? Female

I absolutely think it is cruel to de-claw a cat - no matter the circumstances! The only time I had a cat that had been declawed, was when I was really little, like 2yrs old, and my brother had just been born... Back then, 26+ years ago, we (my parents) had no idea, which sucks b/c it really is cruel. Had we known then, what we learned just a couple years later, they wouldn't have done it, (and haven't since) no matter what!! Now, we would never ever ever declaw any of our cats, or future cats, ever again, no matter what! My parents are animal lovers (as am I), and they had no idea then, (I asked them if it was cruel when I was around 4, and then they got informed, so they could give me an honest answer - although, they didn't give me specifics, they just said it was really cruel, & they wouldn't do it again), and now they do know, & would never ever do that again, not for anything, esp. not something like a stupid material possession, (like a stupid couch) cats r living, feeling, wonderful, intelligent creatures... And we (including anyone in my family (extended family too)... & any friends that have cats) would never declaw a cat ever again! And of course animals can feel pain, I don't want to see any of my pets in pain. Although, (it should be said) with cats, they aren't so much our pets, as we are theirs... They train us, as opposed to us training them... Lol

Also, (in reference to Ordphien's statement) I absolutely do not understand why someone who knew what declawing their cat involved, would ever knowingly do that to a living animal. That's absolutely despicable

In my previous post, I mentioned that our cat (Flash) was declawed, because I was explaining how much he liked the little melon balls, he wasn't quite as interested in cantelope if it was in a wedge (although he did still like it). But I had tried to shorten my post, and I'm not sure that my point came across...

I know there's plenty of ppl that are that cruel, but we aren't, and never could be.
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