haha Thanks, you guys! I love hedgehogs. They're really the cutest little things. BTW, Josh, they are not difficult to raise at all. So long as you provide them with enough space, cat food, water, some toys, an exercise wheel, and a little dark hiding spot, they are more than happy (at least mine is). You also need to keep the room temperature above 68F/20C, which is perfect for him and for my orchids!

You do have to give them baths every once in a while and clip their nails (probably once a month if it's necessary). Plus you should pick them up on a daily basis so they are used to you and don't just roll up into a ball every time they see you. Mine is not very social, it doesn't come out during the day or when he knows there's people around. But he's used to my voice and my scent and he'll let me pick him up without any problems... specially when I have some live mealworms to feed him with. haha
Also, Carpe Diem, you can find hedgehogs like this little guy in the United States as well (but only from breeders and at petshops). They are African Pigmy Hedgehogs. They are not the same as the European Hedgehog which is actually illegal to have as a pet in most countries in Europe. If you ever think about having one, check the local laws in your state. I think they are illegal in some states in the US.