Hi Sue,
that's a Great Crested Flycatcher (Myriarchus crinitus). A similar bird is the Brown-crested Flycatcher (Myriarchus tyrannulus), which is very difficult to separate based on your pictures. However, the Brown-crested is a casul visitor in Florida (I am assuming you took that picture at your home!
you can discard the two warbler mentioned by Adam, as they have neither grey brast nor rufous undertail coverts. As per tanager, there are no grey breasted tanagers in the USA
I have seen you have raised some questions regarding birds IDs in the forum. If you are also interested in birdwatching (or at least identifying your garden visitors), I would sugest you to get the "Field Guide ofthe Birds of North America" from the National Geographic. There are many good birds guides for USA, but I think this is the best you can have: nice format, nice price, excellent drawings and description... and iy you can, get also a binocular
but be carefull, birdwatching can catch you in a worst way as orchids... and can also be more expensive (you don't need to buy much, a good guide a nd good binoculars are enough, but then you start planning funny tribs to the forest in Timbuktuk