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Old 09-17-2020, 01:37 PM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts View Post
Awesome pic for so many reasons. The cat is adorable. Awesome that vanilla is that hardy I enjoy seeing you setup area from a far away perspective to see how you have them organized and such
Thanks for sharing. Scratch the boss behind the ears for me
DC ----- you are a good sort for sure. Thanks for those very nice words and comments about everything. Thanks for visiting! You're welcome any time! And will do !!!! ----- I will do that --- and relay that ultra friendly gesture to the supe! Thanks DC![

Originally Posted by DeaC View Post
She's the most colorful subject in the foto! Oh man,would I love hair that color. All looks great.
hahaha !! Thanks DC! (You are the other OTHER 'DC' ------ which is DeaC!). Your comment was really wonderful - about the colours.

Originally Posted by Mr.Fakename View Post
Aren't you afraid she's going to knock plants down?
MFN ----- it was just really odd, in that gingercat doesn't touch any of those pots.

If we look at the photo and look toward the right-hand-side of the photo, there is a pot-dish, balanced on the bricks - with two pots of baby Sedirea japonica, and one pot of something else (which I can't remember what it is, but there is a tag for it ------ it came as a gift 'free extra' along with the zygo that I had purchased, which was a really nice gesture) ------ anyway, that dish has been balanced there for several months, and is in the direct path of gingercat's walking route hehehe. Gingercat actually jumps over that dish (and pots) ------ in both directions.

And toward the right-hand side as well, there is a triangular planter area that isn't used, and is bedded-down with towels ....... which is one of gingercat's sleeping spots as well (at night time)! She actually has several sleeping spots around the house.

Very interestingly, gingercat just walks among the pots that are spaced far enough apart to walk between (in the floor area only ----- never goes onto the steps region), but she never touches those particular pots in that whole growing area, and never touches any flower, and never chews/bites anything at all. It is a bit weird, since I have heard at least some other growers mention that their cats sometimes chew up orchid leaves etc.

There was only 1 time when gingercat was rubbing her face on one of the small lone-standing cymbidium pots ----- just rubbing her face on it only hahaha. And she rubbed a little too hard, and the pot just fell over. But that was the only time it happened. It occurred away from this growing area (at the back of the house), and I think that gingercat only does this face rubbing on pots thing ----- only when I'm around hahaha. She doesn't normally rub her face on pots when there's no people around.

But as for the main group of orchds in the whole growing area ----- it even surprises me that she doesn't damage anything or put anything out of place.

On OrchidBoard, we call her the supe or the boss hahaha. She keeps an eye on things here.

Last edited by SouthPark; 09-18-2020 at 12:10 PM..
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Old 09-17-2020, 01:40 PM
MJG MJG is offline
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The little crossed paws are adorable. She lives a good life, to have a job description that includes snoozing among the orchids.
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Old 09-17-2020, 03:22 PM
Mr.Fakename Mr.Fakename is offline
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Originally Posted by SouthPark View Post
If we look at the photo and look toward the right-hand-side of the photo, there is a pot-dish, balanced on the bricks [...], that dish has been balanced there for several months, and is in the direct path of gingercat's walking route hehehe. Gingercat actually jumps over that dish (and pots) ------ in both directions.
That's EXACTLY what I had in mind. Having two cats, I would always expect the worse.
They can be so uncaring sometimes, and an accident happens so fast...

I have to keep the bathroom closed at all times, because one of the cats jumps on the counter-top to drink in the sink. Doesn't matter if there's something in the way.

Originally Posted by SouthPark View Post
On OrchidBoard, we call her the supe or the boss hahaha. She keeps an eye on things here.
Haha, does she actually keep an eye and go after potential threat? She looks like she's sleeping most of the time!
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Old 09-17-2020, 06:05 PM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Originally Posted by MJG View Post
The little crossed paws are adorable. She lives a good life, to have a job description that includes snoozing among the orchids.
MJG ----- nice description!! Including the crossed paws hehe.

It was ultra odd to see her foot/arm sticking up on an angle away from the box (and staying like that) at about 30 to 40 degrees while she was napping like that hehehehe.

Originally Posted by Mr.Fakename View Post
That's EXACTLY what I had in mind. Having two cats, I would always expect the worse.
They can be so uncaring sometimes, and an accident happens so fast...

I have to keep the bathroom closed at all times, because one of the cats jumps on the counter-top to drink in the sink. Doesn't matter if there's something in the way.

Haha, does she actually keep an eye and go after potential threat? She looks like she's sleeping most of the time!
MFN ----- know just what you mean hehehe. Cats can really get up to things indoors! Gingercat isn't allowed indoors normally, but occasionally I allow her to enter into the laundry and bathroom area - with door leading to the rest of the house closed.

Once she comes in, she usually immediately sits on the foot drying material mat in the bathroom. That's hers hahaha. She 'owns' it. Actually, the very first time she came in, she owned that one - and lay on it immediately, then proceeded to use her claws on it - the putting the claws in, and making the popping sounds as she lifts up her front feet ----- not sure what she is doing, maybe removing old claw nail bits from claws. Sometimes she starts biting and attacking that mat (playfully only), and rolling/twisting around on it ..... wrestling with that floor mat.

Other times, I pick her up by her under-arms so that her head is facing the front (so that she can see), and walk her around the house (downstairs only). Her hind legs and tail just dangle (due to gravity) when I hold her like this.

She has a very interesting behaviour ----- where when I'm doing this, and taking her around the house --- she becomes completely relaxed and fully engaged hahaha.

It's as if her brain is becoming a hard drive, and she focuses purely on taking as much information as she sees when on the short tour. Apparently, I've been told that the end of her tail does relaxed cyclic little swishes while she gets the tour - every time. It's sort of meaning she's enjoying it hahaha.

On a few of times only, she did actually run into the house when we had the front door or back door open for too long ----- and she knows EXACTLY where to run once she gets inside!!!

But very interestingly - she doesn't hide and evade catching her (well, not for too long anyway) ------ she may scramble for a short time to evade temporarily --- for half a minute or so ----- but will never evade for much longer than that (from being caught that is hehehe). I don't know who her previous owner was, or whether she has just got her own interesting nice friendly behaviour. Definitely a good cat this one.

She's not a very big cat too. Not tiny as well ------ maybe medium size.

If I get the chance later, I'll take a video of gingercat jumping over that balanced dish hehehehe. She does that lots of times in order to either get to the vanilla orchid foam box, or to get from that box to the other side. She has never knocked that tray over. It surprises myself too!

MFN ---- her supe or boss nick name is only because she keeps an eye on me when I'm there, while watering the orchid. She sometimes just focuses on the watering wand spraying the water into the pots. Not sure what she is thinking though ----- maybe just curious about what it is I'm doing hahaha.

Last edited by SouthPark; 09-17-2020 at 09:55 PM..
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Old 09-17-2020, 08:57 PM
DirtyCoconuts DirtyCoconuts is offline
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Lol. Don’t all bosses just laze around and sleep on the job anyway??
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Old 09-20-2020, 11:27 PM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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This pic could maybe be called 'vanilla in tail' hehe.

Google link - Pic 1.
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Old 09-20-2020, 11:43 PM
MJG MJG is offline
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Very nice artistic composition. Is this part of a series? It seems to be a variation on a theme with you last picture.

Does she actually move?

Very cute!!
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Old 09-21-2020, 02:15 AM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Originally Posted by MJG View Post
Very nice artistic composition. Is this part of a series? It seems to be a variation on a theme with you last picture.
Does she actually move?
Very cute!!
MJG hahaha! She does move quite a lot. This has been her usual morning nap area lately. It's one of those cat routine things haha. They seem to keep to some routines.

This pic was taken this morning, and I had noticed through the window that the vanilla leaf was poking into the tail, so just took a phone-pic through the window glass.

Usually, each morning I have to fill up her black-coloured water bucket, and she drinks water from it soon afterwards. She seems to not go for 'overnight' water hahaha, unless she's super thirsty that is. So she knows that when I fill up the bucket, it's fresh, and usually goes for a drink right away. Sometimes, she purposely goes up to the water bucket and sits in front of it ..... her signal that she is thirsty, and wants me to tip out the old water, and re-fill it with nice fresh water.

I'll later make a vid to show how I fill up her bucket, and then she'll just drink out of the bucket when I call her up to the bucket hehehe
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Old 09-21-2020, 08:26 AM
MJG MJG is offline
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She is very sweet. Give her a little head scratch for me.

I love kitties. We had one that lived to be 21 years old and boy did she have some habits and routines!

Last edited by MJG; 09-21-2020 at 02:22 PM..
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Old 09-21-2020, 10:47 AM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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Originally Posted by MJG View Post
She is very sweet. Give her a little head stratch for me.
Will do MJG! I will do that. Thanks very much!

Originally Posted by MJG View Post
I love kitties. We had one that lived to be 21 years old and boy did she have some habits and routines!
Fantastic age!!! That is so nice you mention the very long life and also seeing the various habits and routines ----- noticing and remembering those behavoiurs is very special.
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