Originally Posted by early
My 11 yr old cat, still called baby booboo, has decided he has a much right to be in my room as my chiweinie or my( I will chase anything that moves Terrier,) and has started demanding to stay on my bed anytime I am near it. Otherwise, he has his own room bed, and cat door in a window. He goes out to catch things and sometimes brings them in the house especially lizards.
early hahaha. Ginger cat definitely can be quite funny in the things she does, and sometimes quite cheeky too. I was chasing her all over the yard a few times this morning. She likes to get chased around sometimes at top speed ----- mostly for fun and for the exercise maybe. At first it might appear that she's running away out of fear. But she just stops running once she's done with her own game hahaha.
Booboo ----- from your photo
here is super adorable.
Originally Posted by Dollythehun
There isn't a more fetching pose than that. A tummy rub is in order.
hahaha! I will try the tummy rub on ginger cat for you dolly. I have to do it very fast and quickly remove my hands --- as ginger cat has no problem with people touching her back and head and tail ----- but she has this thing about her belly and side of her belly too ...... she gets her fore arms (fore legs ahaha) and will latch onto our arm when we try to touch her belly ----- sometimes with her claws coming out too hahaha. She doesn't go into a vicious attack mode (no ripping and tearing etc) ........ but doesn't realise her claws can be razor sharp. Usually no serious damage will be done ----- but it's interesting in that I really think that some cats have absolutely no problem with tummy rubs ------ which would be wonderful if ginger cat didn't mind that.
I wonder if it was due to some sort of experience from where-ever ginger cat came from before.
Ginger cat absolutely loves full back massages, back-of-neck massage, head massage, and even hip massage. She's fine with people touching her ears and nose. No problem at all with that. Touching her legs is generally dangerous hahahaha.
But she does sometimes get into a relaxed mode - where surprisingly it is ok to tinker with her claws (like gently pull on her sharp claws on her front feet) and poke the pads of her front paws. But ----- her back legs --- no way ..... usually not possible to poke or pat her back legs ----- except when she's too busy focusing on eating her meal (which is when she doesn't care if you touch her back legs when she's eating cat food).