Originally Posted by rbarata
Usually I think mottled leaves Paphs are warm growing while the thin leaved are cool. This is in general but I always confirm before buying.
There are lots of exceptions to that... the mottled-leaved Paph. Maudae types are generally warmer growing, the solid-green-leaved ones with lots of P. insigne or P. villosum or the "bulldogs" which also have solid green leaves, are cool growing. But solid-green multiflorals tend to be warmer growing (though Paph. rothschildianum and several of its hybrids benefit from a fall chill) and mottled-leaved Parvisepalums such as P. macranthum and P. armeniacum grow cool - but P. delenatii likes to be warmer. So.. not so simple, you really need to get down to the species (or parents for hybrids) In this case, Lady Isabel is roth x stonei (which is definitely a warm grower) So it can tolerate a chill but would rather be a little warmer most of the time.