Black specks/spotting on Cattleya Alma Kee Tipmalee
I purchased a Cattleya Alma Kee Tipmalee several months back and repotted it not long after receiving it. It is finally putting out new roots and new growths (yay).
I noticed it came with black specks on multiple leaves - should I be concerned and what could this be?
The spots are not sunken. They look like freckles?
The leaf in the photo looks rather dessicated... if it is an old leaf, it is just "on the way out"... probably does not have good roots, if any. If you potted with no new roots showing, that might have set the plant back a bit. If it is now putting out new roots, there is no problem, the new growth will be nice and firm with those new roots to nourish and hydrate it.
In general, and especially with Catts, it is important to wait to repot until new roots start unless it is in really bad medium and might rot before it gets a chance to root (in which a small setback is better than losing the plant)