Originally Posted by Rothrock42
Thank you ES. So without the squish it is likely not black rot? That is good news. I'll keep an eye on it. But it hasn't spread or gone squishy in a couple of weeks.
I think it could be the change in light and air that is shocking it a bit. It is the smallest least established of my 5 stanhopeas. I'll keep an optimistic eye out, but I'm feeling a lot better now.
You might try just increasing watering... I have a bunch of Stanhopeas, that in spite of my best efforts, lost most of their leaves. I just put in an RO unit, moved them to where they get the RO water... and they are also just plain getting more water. New leaves suddenly poking out from all of them. So better water might have helped, but I think it was more the case of more shade and more water that kick-started them.