will1986 |
08-06-2017 10:42 PM |
I think you just need to water it more. It looks dehydrated. Even the roots look like they're starting to shrink.
I have a Phal I put in the above mentioned vase culture a few months ago. It seemed like such a crazy idea to grow an orchid with the roots constantly in water, but I wanted to try it to see for myself, so I bought a cheap Phal that was finished blooming at Walmart, bare rooted it, and stuck it in a vase of water. It's doing great. It's grown two new leaves, and has lots of new roots starting.
My other Phals do just fine in a bark mix, so I don't see myself growing any more like this. It's more of just a novelty thing for me, and I think it would be rather cumbersome to have very many of these growing like this (I imagine myself knocking one over, and then they all go like dominoes, and what a mess that would be lolol), but you might consider trying it.