Hi there guys. I am new to orchid keeping, so Im not really sure what is wrong with my orchids.. I am hoping you guys would be able to help

I did a fair bit of research before purchasing my orchids, so I water them once a week or less, only when the roots start going greyish green. I have re potted all my orchids after purchase as some of them came in bad medium. I use the orchid myst on the aerial roots once a week and everything seemed fine for the first few weeks after purchase.
But today after work I have noticed that one of the roots in the pot has gone greyish brown. Ive pushed my finger inside the pot and managed to get a hold of it and it was completely empty on the inside. I pulled it out and the top layer came right off, leaving behind only the stringy part. So I decided to examine the 4 orchids I currently have and I found, what seems to me like an early sign of some sort of fungi.
The purple orchid I have was in the worst shape when i bought it, the roots you see there were already like this, I assumed it was sunburned. That orchid is kept on the far right of the shelf and seems to have the most of that fungi looking web. The orchid next to it seems to have it also, but not as much. The other two seem to be fine, so my assumption is that it has spread from plant to plant?
In the other two healthy orchids I have found a few tiny white balls in the medium, could be something completely harmless but I thought I might as well ask.
So the first 4 pics are of the purple orchid, the fourth pic is showing that stringy fungi? 5+6 is showing the orchid next to the purple one and its dead roots. Its the same orchid which root i pulled out and it was a goner. The aerial roots seem really healthy though, thats in pic 7. Pic 8+9 are the weird white balls in the medium of two other orchids.
Oh I also live in Ireland, so the climate is pretty humid if thats of any help.
I am very confused by all this, it could be absolutely nothing, but I just wanted to make sure in case I will need to use a fungicide etc. Thank you very much guys for your time and help!