I don't know how I will ever be rid of snails. I grow my plants indoors, do I want to sprinkle Sevin in my indoor grow area?
I have mixed diatomaceous earth with water and sprayed it on the plant, forming a light coating when it dries. Still have snails.
I have also tried the drowning method and picked a few off that way, but still have them.
I also completely submerged a potted Cattleya in 3% hydrogen peroxide. Dozens of little snails floated to the surface as the peroxide bubbled away. After about 4 minutes, I drained the peroxide and rinsed thoroughly with water. A couple of weeks later, I saw a snail on that same plant. Roots did become a little shrively, but the green tips did not die, and they are now actively growing again. I have a feeling the peroxide causes them to release their grip and pull into their shells, so they float to the surface. But if they pull in fast enough, it appears they can survive, if not washed out of the pot when dislodged.