Originally Posted by kiki-do
But it does look like sun damage, doesn't it?  kiki
Not really. Not any I've seen before. Here are a couple I have with sun damage (I know 'cause I did it!)
The one on left is a hybrid Bc Maikai "Louise" 4n X self that I placed in the sun for one day in Marathon Key Florida south window! Wow! Did I blow that one!
The one on right is Encyclia dickensonianium that I also did same thing with but continued to keep in sun here in Michigan.
The one on left has black areas literally burned areas in the leaves that will never go away. The Encyclia has very red leaves and pseudobulbs that should have changed but didn't due to additional damage.
The pictures above show spots similar to those that certain Brassia relatives get when sprayed or possibly genetic? I've seen spots like this come out of the new growth sheaths and I am positive they've never been sprayed.