Underwatering always bring in spider mites.
One month!!!!
Anyways, spider mites are relatively easy to eliminate without using harsh chemicals if you are willing to do some tedious work. Do you have time now? lol
I don't know how many plants you have affected, but the most effective way I find without using chemical sprays, is to wash down with soapy water manually.
You will dislodge the mites as much as possible this way. Not all will come off.
Basically you wear those thin clear plastic gloves for kitchen use, then apply soapy water on the leaves paying attention to the underside.
Gently rinse them off.
The cycle can repeat in just a few days when the conditions are favorable to them, warm and dry, so you want to repeat this every four days, and after about three washing, you are done!
The thing is the plants with sever damage, it can be hard to tell whether or not there are mites present because of the color of the damaged area.
I hope you have good eyes otherwise it is hard to fight against these pests.
Good luck!