Hi, I recently noticed one of the leaf from my phal belina is starting to die off. The tip of the leaf is turning light black (labeled #1). May someone please tell me what's causing this?
Also, the leaves on this phal have been developing white-yellowish spots ever since I got it as shown in #2 (got this phal ~2 years ago). Anyone know what's causing the spots? the spots seems to be on every leaf.
Additonal info:
I do not see any pests crawling around. Maybe this will rule out pest problem?
The phal is placed right next to window that receives direct sunlight. However, I have 5 other phals next to this belina and NONE of them are having the leaf problems this belina is having. Can this belina be more sensitive to the amount of sunlight it's receiving compared to the other phals?
Thanks for the help!