pesticides or organics?
Just wondering if I can get some advice on what to use,
I have been battling mildew for the last week or two, trying to use beneficial bacteria - Actinovate which contains the bacteria steptomyces lydicus and organic fertilizers.
It's not 100% effective vrs the small white mildew that i have growing on some of my small orchid leaves.
Also, many professional growers use physan 20 which while effective, also kills the beneficials that I have so new plants are weak for a while when the physan weakens enough to allow mildew but is still effective enough to prevent the Actinovate from stopping the mildew.
While I would rather stay away from chemicals because that would make it really hard to transition away from them, I am seriously contemplating switching to physan 20.
I like to grow cool growing moist loving orchids- so it feels like a constant battle vs mildew.
Any advice?