Originally Posted by Kasiopea
Well I have just the opposite problem.
My orchids that are potted are Constantly bothered by birds that steal the potting media for their nests! They dig up the media, rip orchids out, turn over and brake pots. If you find a way to deal with them (without the use of shotgun lol ), I would love to know
The problem seems to have stopped or at least slowed down for now.
---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Joseia
How about dressing up in a giant owl costume and walking around the yard, while hooting loudly of course. Not sure if it would scare the birds away, but the neighbors sure would enjoy it.
it's too hot here to run around dressed like a football mascot.
---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Tindomul
The birds you are dealing with are not native to the island. There is no migration with the cardinals and finches, and many of these birds probably just stay in the same region all their lives, and their offspring do too.
Having said that. How about you put up a mist net to trap them and then release them. Do this for a few weeks. I'm willing to bet that they will learn that your property is stressful to them and will stop returning, at least in high numbers.
The problems with this are as follows;
1) you have to be home while using the mist net, so that the birds don't suffer unnecessarily or worse, die due to exposure.
2) you have to be willing to touch the birds in order to free them
3) even though these birds are not native to your area, your local authorities might not take kind to you doing this. Your neighbors might rat you out if they dislike you.
On second thought, maybe this should be a method of last resort.
In any case, if you can figure out a way to stress them out everytime they visit your property, then I am willing to wager they will give up returning to it.
---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------
Also, I don;t know what your personality is like, but birds absolutely fear being stalked. They fear it more than just a sudden loud sound or a crazy primate chasing them with a stick or anything like that. If you can pretend to be a predator, slowly sneaking up on them and then acting like you are going to catch them, then they will think twice before returning. And even if they do it will leave them on edge, so any little thing will scare them away quickly. They used this method of Canada geese at the airports in our area. It works!
If they feel they are being watched and like something is hiding and waiting to eat them, they will be freaked.
We are on an island in mid Pacific.
There is not much of anywhere for the birds to migrate to.
But, they do seem to move around seasonally.
The cardinals left last fall and have just returned in the last couple of weeks.
They seem to be here for the spring-summer nesting season.
The Oncidium buds disappearing was while they were gone.
I've also been told that slugs and snails will crawl out the spike and eat them.
I have declared war on them too.
I find it hard to do that with the birds though.
We'll see.
I have too many things to do around here to spend a lot of time actively chasing and discouraging birds.
Hanging nets and "scarecrows" of various types around the property is out of the question.
The orchids are scattered around our lot on the trees.
I won't turn an acre of land into a junk yard.
Anyway, the problem does seem to have abated for now.
We'll see what happens next winter.