I'd like some advice with what to do about my 2 Oncidiums and 1 cochleanthes/pescatorea. The big oncidium always had dots at the ends of the leaves. I've read that this is sort of normal for this type of orchid. Whatever it is hasn't seemed to bother the orchid, or progressed much. It just bloomed again and has new growths.
However, I wasn't clever enough to keep it separated from my cochleanthes/pescatorea, which has even softer leaves, and it looks like it spread to this plant. It seems to be affecting this plant more than the first one. The black dots are slightly indented into the leaves. All of the older leaves are affected, and a few of the newer ones. The dots are concentrated around the ends of the leaves. My oncidium twinkle's leaf tips have started to get the dots too.
I'm assuming it is a fungal infection, but I would really appreciate your expert advice. Is there a certain type of fungicide you'd recommend that I purchase? If it isn't fungal, what should I do?
So far, I've chopped off the most affected leaf tips with sterilized shears and applied a tiny bit of cinnamon to the wounds. I also tried applying some hydrogen peroxide to the leaves of the plants.