I have found soft bodied brown scale on some of my paphs. I have read many times on here that Bayer 3 in 1 is a good systemic for this and that it is safe for chids. I can't find it in the store. I find either the one that is for 2 things or the complete. They both claim to take care of scale, but are they safe for the chids???????
The short answer is yes. The 3 in 1 has fungicide, fertilizer and insecticide in one produce. I actually prefer the only insecticide version of Bayer without any additives.
I checked the bottle last night when I shut the g/h up. The Bayer product I prefer for insects is the two insecticide in the one bottle. One is a contact insecticide and the other is the systemic.
I am finding brown scale on my phals and ferns in the greenhouse. The number of scale is large enough that scraping them off will consume too much time. Does anyone have a solution to a larger scale infestation on ferns and orchids?
You can usually find the Bayer products in big box stores. Check the bottle and find the one with two different insecticides in it - use that one. The one insecticide is systemic the other contact.
The reason I don't have ferns in my g/h is because they are a magnent for scale and mealies. Love ferns, hate pests.