My new mini-phal just dropped every single leaf as I picked it up (even more upsettingly, as I was remarking on how lovely it is). I've had the plant less than 2 days.
Generally I'm very meticulous when watering. I did mist the leaves slightly upon bringing it home in the afternoon (being sure to avoid the crown) as it was very dry and I was faffing about a little with the "new arrival". Now I'm beside myself because I feel as though I killed it. Does anyone know if crown rot can set this devastatingly, so quickly?
I don't have a photo because I've put the plant in a "recovery" spot, although I realise there's fat chance excepting a fluke basal keiki... and I'd rather not look at it again this evening. I can say that there wasn't any blackening or yellowing but the centre of the plant seemed almost bruised, darker green and slightly soft. Some of the other plants in the shop had cold and mechanical damage so it's possible this could have happened to mine but I'm not sure I can imagine how it would solely affect the centre of the plant and not the leaves.

---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-03-2014 at 11:10 PM ----------
After doing a bit of searching I'm suspecting erwinia as it's more in line with the rapid onset of decline and the colour change I saw in the leaf base. It seems entirely possible that what I thought cold damage in its buddies was in fact erwinia. At least this spares my guilt a little if it's the case...!
Currently I have everything the plant was in contact with sitting in antibacterial washing up liquid. Is it even worth trying to save the poor thing, or should I just bin it (it's been quarantined in a room with no other orchids)?