Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters
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Old 02-25-2014, 08:31 AM
byngga byngga is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Male
Default Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters

Hello - It's my first post here, but I have hovered around and read the forum many times over the last year (since someone bought me my first orchid ) Have gained so many tips - So first let me say a big thanks!!
I have a little experience in houseplants but usually stick to the easier varieties... so an orchid is something of a challenge as we live in an old victorian house which (while comfortably heated) is not quite 'tropical'. Lots of experience in vegetables but that's a whole other story.

So, I'm concerned about my Phal which I've had for almost a year. Somebody bought me this as a gift in simmer 2013, so it's quite sentimental to me. It flowered lovely all summer and has put out a new flower spike almost as soon as the old one was finished. I'm just a little worried about the leaves - I'm seeing a fair few spots and a 'pitted/scarred' area which seems to be affecting the top oldest / biggest leaves and getting worse.... the newer smaller leaves don't look too healthy either - one is curled.
Probably best if you check out the pics.

Thanks for any help.
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Old 02-25-2014, 09:11 AM
ALToronto ALToronto is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Female

The hard blisters are scale insects. The only way to get rid of the adults is to wipe them off. Larvae can be killed by insecticides, I'm sure everyone here has a favourite product.
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Old 02-25-2014, 10:09 AM
byngga byngga is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Male

I thought they might be scale but they don't wipe off easy. I tried to scrape one off with a fingernail previously and it seemed to damage the leaf (the blisters seem to be more 'part of the leaf' than scale). I will give it a good spray with some Bayer houseplant insecticide I have - This kills scale.
Still confused by the 'pitted' area.
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Old 02-26-2014, 05:11 PM
Phal-lover Phal-lover is offline

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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Female

I have an orchid with both pitted and scale-like areas. Don't worry, the pits are just scars, most likely caused by scale, other bugs, or physical wounds. As for the scale blisters, they haven't seemed to pose a problem on mine. I took one off and it had green plant tissue underneath like it was part of the leaf. But still, insecticide will tell. Oh yeah, and welcome to Orchid Board!
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Old 02-28-2014, 06:09 AM
byngga byngga is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Male

I read somewhere that a rub over with rubbing alcohol can kill off the scale, so I've given that a shot and I've hit it with a houseplant insect spray too... fingers crossed!
Should I try to 'pick off' the scabs?
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Old 02-28-2014, 12:19 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters

Well, the picture needs to be a bit more up close to be able to tell what the brown bumps are, but my first thought was the blister. It is thought to be caused by cold water taken up too much thus swelling up the cells. If this is the case, it will not go away but it is also harmless to the plant.
One easy way to test it is blister, use your fingernail to scrap it off. Be gentle. If they are scales ( which I don't think they are as they just look too big to be scales on the phal), they should come off rather easy. If they do not come off or you see them damaged and start exuding sap, then you know you broked into plant tissue.

Regarding the white or light tan pitted area.
They are none of the things which have been mentioned.
The most likely candidates are mites damage, possible virus damage, or something random.

You mentioned it is getting worse.
Do you remember seeing them on your plant when you first got it? or did it just start? when? and how many leaves are now affected?

Do not spray insecticides as they will do nothing to mites or virus.

Last, many common orchids are just about as easy as any houseplants, so don't be nervous.
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Old 02-28-2014, 02:27 PM
byngga byngga is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Male

Some great advice - and many thanks for encouraging words.
I think it could well be the 'blister' thing because they don't seem to scrape off easily... seems to damage the leaf if I do get em off and ooze sap... was it that I used cold water rather than room temperature? It did seem to happen soon after I gave the pot a good soaking in cold water and left it a little longer than I should (forgot I'd left it to soak and it was about 24 hours with the pot immersed in water).

It definitely didn't have the 'scarred/pitted' areas when I 1st got it. They are just appearing on the top surface of the 2 biggest and oldest leaves (underside of leaves looks to be fine) and now that I've spotted them I'm not sure if they are worsening any more... I'm looking at it every day so maybe I'll have to leave it a week or so and compare with the photos.

I thought a spray of insecticide couldn't do any harm Wish there was a 'cure all' - any suggestions for mites / virus?
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Old 02-28-2014, 03:34 PM
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Male

Septoria or micro fungal attack. In either case the prospects aren't too good. Mainly caused by cold and water. A systemic fungicide might work and good strong air movement like a fan would help.
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Old 03-01-2014, 12:37 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters

Originally Posted by byngga View Post
Some great advice - and many thanks for encouraging words.
I think it could well be the 'blister' thing because they don't seem to scrape off easily... seems to damage the leaf if I do get em off and ooze sap... was it that I used cold water rather than room temperature? It did seem to happen soon after I gave the pot a good soaking in cold water and left it a little longer than I should (forgot I'd left it to soak and it was about 24 hours with the pot immersed in water).

It definitely didn't have the 'scarred/pitted' areas when I 1st got it. They are just appearing on the top surface of the 2 biggest and oldest leaves (underside of leaves looks to be fine) and now that I've spotted them I'm not sure if they are worsening any more... I'm looking at it every day so maybe I'll have to leave it a week or so and compare with the photos.

I thought a spray of insecticide couldn't do any harm Wish there was a 'cure all' - any suggestions for mites / virus?
Given your description, the blisters might have been caused by your leaving the plant in cold water too long.
Again, the only sure way to find out (since I cannot see the spots up close to tell by visual inspection) is to try and scratch off. Scales should come off without much effort at all.

Regarding the pitting/scarred areas, you cannot tell if it is virus unless you send a sample of portion of the affected leaf to a lab where they do virus testing.

It could be mites, but the kind of mites that does this are nearly impossible to see. You can spray miticide and see if this symptoms stop spreading. Then you could rule out the mites.
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Old 03-06-2014, 11:59 PM
lepetitmartien lepetitmartien is offline
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Phal leaves pitted and some small brown hard blisters Male

I agree with NYorchidman: cold effects and maybe spidermites.

If the depressed zones start small and green, then turn brownish dry, I'd suspect mites with associated fungus.
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bought, experience, leaves, orchid, phal, brown, hard, blisters, pitted

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