Fusarium Wilt Blooper :-s
Hi all :-) I have been reviving an orchid greenhouse and when repotting have come across every disease listed in sue bottoms disease booklet (sadly I carry my iPhone with me now with this booklet to hold I against the plants to ID the problem)
Problem is my brain can only absorb do much and 'cut away infected tissue' is permanently etched into my brain.
So last week a plant fell apart, so I do cleaned the divisions cut off root rot and saw the purple ring tissue. So brain kicked in with 'remove infected....' Lol u get the gist. But rather than cut psuedobulbs until no infection I decided to carve away purple tissue until I got to creamy healthy tissue. Then I soaked in fungarid (systemic fungicide I got in bunnings).
So I didn't sanitise after each cut, and I think I'm a carver/whittler of wood (I know wtf *shakes head) and now I don't know what I should do?? I can't find a fusarium chemical treatment here in brisbane Australia because I'm new to this and I have no idea where they are sold despite hours list on google :-(
Please help