ht tp: //i.img ur. com/9AvsEh3.png Infected cane(?)/leaf with trimmed third spike.
ht tp :// gur .com/5iVloCt.png Detail
h ttp :// gur. com/C8U7RS3.png Underside
ht tp :// gur. com/5Q9wWfC.png Spots on the cane sheaths. This cane was cut when I bought the plant.
ht tp: // gur. co m/Xu8xJl9.png This spot is on a healthy spike and has yet to cause any noticable damage, but I have no idea what it is-
ht tp :// gur. co m/ezXQr39.png A different cane from above, the tips of the top two leaves are yellow. Is this an effect from a cold draft, or, god forbid, whatever is going on with the other cane?
Thanks for any insights!! ID is also appreciated

I can't figure out how to get pictures to show up in the post; neither bbc code or html will work I'm sorry