White spots on Phalli leaves look like dried salt water drops
I have an increasing number of these spots on my Phallis and nearby Oncids. I have washed the whole plant before watering/feeding. The plants don't seem to be affected - all leaves OK.
Any thoughts on the disease and how to deal with it much appreciated as I am very new to Orchid growing.
Sounds strange! You have posted twice, post three more times and you can attach pictures. So far it sounds like simple water spots to me, but pictures may tell a different story.
Lots of experienced people on the board (I'm not one of them) that will help you out.
Thanks Carpe Diem. Would tap water have enough salt in it? I have watered with it for some time but these spots have only just shown up. I'll wash one of the Phallis and let it dry as usual then see what happens. (repeat treatment)
I had the same problem actually and started to freak out.... But someone gave me a remedy on how to wash those spots off. Take a cotton ball and pour milk on it and wash the leafes be gentle ! and than take another cotton ball and clean them with water and wipe down dry . It should work , i did it once and see no sign of those spots coming back. If you decide to try let me know how it went for you
Thanks edytka I'll give it a go. Some careful, just moist cotton ball, wiping has pretty much cleared them up - have just watered them this morning - they are drying off now so I'll see how things are this evening.