Thank you

I have asked some of my orchidfriends if any of them knew what i could do to save the ones i have left.
As mentioned before it is not legal to use and impossible for me to get hold of any fungicide that would kill Fusarium.
-All orchids i am not serten is healthy has been moved to a large terrarium, where they will stay isolated from the others for now.
-All the ones that seems ok is outside in fresh air, because filtered sunlight will make them stronger and increase their natural defence. I have used a Neemoilmixture to prevent insects from having a feast on them

-It would be beneficial to use UV light for a few minutes every night, because it makes the orchids more compact and it increases the amount of antioksidants in the plants. Fungispores/ bacterias do not thrive in UVlight and tests has shown that even plants inocculated with fungispores has shown no ill effect of the fungi.
But, i have already had a few visits from the police, because someone in the neighbourhood found the lights from my greenhouse suspicious and belived that i was growing cannabis. I guess blue light from the same greenhouse would make them call the police again and i would like to avoid that, if possible.
-I have ordered Physan20 and hopefully it will arrive soon. This i will use reagularly to prevent any new infection together with H2O2 that can be used to make serten my greenhouse is clean at all times.
-Have ordered K-lite and will use this together with Peters 20-20-20 in a 50:50 ratio. I have also ordered Kelpmax.
And since i use tapwater that usually has a PH of 8, i have to measure the PH in the water and use citricaccide to lower the PH to 5-6,5.
I do not know if it is possible to get rid of Fusarium without using a proper fungicide like Clearys, but i hope that with a much more "sterile" greenhouse i will be able to hold it under control.
My greenhouse is nearly empty and it is really strange to have so much free space.