Fusarium wilt in vandas
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Old 07-31-2013, 11:50 AM
ingse ingse is offline
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Thank you
I have asked some of my orchidfriends if any of them knew what i could do to save the ones i have left.
As mentioned before it is not legal to use and impossible for me to get hold of any fungicide that would kill Fusarium.
-All orchids i am not serten is healthy has been moved to a large terrarium, where they will stay isolated from the others for now.
-All the ones that seems ok is outside in fresh air, because filtered sunlight will make them stronger and increase their natural defence. I have used a Neemoilmixture to prevent insects from having a feast on them
-It would be beneficial to use UV light for a few minutes every night, because it makes the orchids more compact and it increases the amount of antioksidants in the plants. Fungispores/ bacterias do not thrive in UVlight and tests has shown that even plants inocculated with fungispores has shown no ill effect of the fungi.
But, i have already had a few visits from the police, because someone in the neighbourhood found the lights from my greenhouse suspicious and belived that i was growing cannabis. I guess blue light from the same greenhouse would make them call the police again and i would like to avoid that, if possible.
-I have ordered Physan20 and hopefully it will arrive soon. This i will use reagularly to prevent any new infection together with H2O2 that can be used to make serten my greenhouse is clean at all times.
-Have ordered K-lite and will use this together with Peters 20-20-20 in a 50:50 ratio. I have also ordered Kelpmax.
And since i use tapwater that usually has a PH of 8, i have to measure the PH in the water and use citricaccide to lower the PH to 5-6,5.

I do not know if it is possible to get rid of Fusarium without using a proper fungicide like Clearys, but i hope that with a much more "sterile" greenhouse i will be able to hold it under control.
My greenhouse is nearly empty and it is really strange to have so much free space.
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Old 07-31-2013, 03:00 PM
DTEguy DTEguy is offline
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Fusarium wilt in vandas Male

I am very sorry to hear about the devastating fusarium, I hope you can salvage as many of them as possible.

I would like you to consider using beneficial bacteria and fungi (mycorrhizae and trichoderma) for your plants in the future as "preventive" biocontrol agents. Although these microorganism would probably not help in orchid's nutrient uptake like it would for regular plants in soil culture, they protect your plants from other plant pathogens; they "eat" other fungi, provide space competition, release antibiotic to kill other bacteria, and initiate protective immune response in plants.

I use a brand name "Great White" for my orchids. Buy what is available to you but make sure that you have Trichoderma harzianum in the product (it kills pythium and fusarium).

Fungi as your garden partners - Enlisting the T-22 to terminate root pathogens


Although these microorganisms are not harmful to people (can be found easily in soil), you should still handle it with caution and in open air (dry spores fly, wear a mask) and do not handle it if you have a compromised immune system. Buy it from a reputable company to make sure the production is well regulated.

Use it sparingly--much less than suggested on label for soil-- just a little is needed for innoculating your plants. You might need to innoculate every so often if you use tap water due to chlorine.
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Old 07-31-2013, 06:18 PM
ingse ingse is offline
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Thank you so much for your advice.
I have searched around and it is used in ecological farming here, but sadly one has to have a licence so it seems it is not available to buy for private persons.
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Old 07-31-2013, 07:56 PM
DTEguy DTEguy is offline
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Fusarium wilt in vandas Male

The only thing I can think of is using thyme oil (from Thymus vulgaris) which contains thymol (an active compound in Listerine).

I don't know if it will treat your plants systemically but worth a try if you are running out of options.
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Old 07-31-2013, 11:55 PM
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RJSquirrel RJSquirrel is offline
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Duh, I have to ask if have you tried the Bayer Nordic Group Site?

Hagestell - Plant vedlikehold - Bekjempelse av gnagere - Pest, Sykdommer og ugrasbekjempelse - Bayer Garden

you can find things not labeled for use specifically for orchids such as items used for Roses are also fine and acceptable for use on orchids. Fusarium wilt is still Fusarium wilt no matter what its wilting.

Be sure to sterilize your tools as you cut bec you can spread Fusarium to the same rhizome you just tried to cure. another
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Old 08-01-2013, 03:47 AM
ingse ingse is offline
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Of course i have.....and i could kill a lot of ants, rats,snails and weeds with their products.
I have spent hours searching for anything that could help me save some of my orchids but as i said before , there is nothing against Fusarium available for me to buy, legaly.
I am sorry, but this is not going to have a happy ending.
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Old 08-01-2013, 04:29 AM
Silje Silje is offline
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I can imagine that agro chemicals sales will be very restricted and controlled in Norway. Here we seem to be able to buy the most insane and lethal stuff over the counter with no questions asked.

Can you not manage to get hold of anything from a commercial nursery or garden center? Or perhaps even a farmer. They could even dilute it according to specs and take their own back sprayer and do it for you, if that is an issue.

I'm so sorry for your loss. And I just realized that this is probably what killed one of my vandas as well, but up to now *touch wood* the problem has not spread.
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Old 08-01-2013, 11:29 AM
ingse ingse is offline
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Well, in a way i am glad there is some restrictions on what we can use regarding chemicals here, at least i was until i had this problem
I am absolutly serten there is nothing i can get hold of to "cure" my orchids and all the orchids i had in my terrarium is now gone.
So, now i need some advice conserning when/how long it would be safe to wait before i start replacing some of the plants i have lost ?
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Old 08-01-2013, 11:57 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Fusarium wilt in vandas

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your collection, but good to know that some are alright.
Don't mean to sound bad but even if the surviving plants may look healthy, it could be that something is spreading inside them.

Fusarium is quite damaging and I think prevention is probably the only way to go.

Now you know better and getting any suspicious spotted plants into collection is no, no.
Even "clean" looking ones might come in with some unwanted issues.

I hope your remaining plants are truly healthy and bring you joy again.
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Old 08-11-2013, 10:52 AM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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How devastating. I too, am so sorry to hear about your loss. It's sad to hear that such a large collection that took years to build and MUCH work, not to mention the financial loss...has been destroyed by pathogens. Sounds like you're taking the right steps to prevent further damage.
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