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05-30-2013, 11:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 53
Brown Areas Showing on Aerial Roots of Phal??
I realized I probably posted this in the wrong forum (beginner discussion):
Hi all. I got a large phal back at the end of March of 2013. When I got her, she was just at the end of opening up all her flowers (she has one spike). The flowers have been gorgeous since then. A few questions, though:
1. How long do flowers typically last? She dropped her first one last night. Sound normal?
2. In just the last few days, I noticed brown areas/spots appearing on the tops of the arial roots (see before and after pics attached. I could only attach the before to this post. Will post reply with after pic. The before was taken in March. The after was taken today). Should I be worried about this? Over watering?
3. Just this week I've noticed clear sap forming on the spike just around the base of the flowers only. I've read that this can be a sign of a happy phal, but I'm concerned that it could be linked to the brown spots on the roots or dropping flowers??
I'm not seeing any bugs. I've been watering about once/week (soaking) as long as her pot is dried out. Haven't been giving any food or boosters, just water. She hasn't been repotted yet since I got her because I was told to wait until she was down flowering.
Thoughts? Thank you!!
05-30-2013, 11:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 53
.....and the after / today pic....
05-31-2013, 12:01 AM
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Either forum is fine ...
The roots not in the media, some are dried out, or tips have dried out - happens to me all the time (dry climate) - the ones where the tip is dried up can still grow. How do roots in the pot look?
Two months in bloom is not bad - some can hold blooms a very long time, but others 2-3 months is about right.
Once a week watering may or may not be sufficient - a few factors can effect how quickly the media dries out (type and age of media, size and material of pot, temperature, humidity) If in a clear pot, water when the roots look silvery/whitish/cream colored - assuming they green up when moist ...
05-31-2013, 01:16 AM
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These common hybrids last about 3 months. 2 to 4 months I would say is the range depending on the plant and your condition.
Mines all began opening up late January/early February, and flowers are still one but with signs showing the end is near. lol
The roots are drying and dying. Those browns tips.
You might want to up your watering. Really soak them when you water and water mor often if necessary. and mist the top exposed roots everyday.
The sap on the spike do not mean anything.
Many orchids do this.
It can be a sign of pest, but since you said you don't see any bugs, then it's all good.
05-31-2013, 03:43 AM
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If the brown tips are just in the aerial roots then I would be careful about increasing watering as it might be too much for those in the pot.
As said it's because they are dying back a bit, but I find that if your climate is drier than the nursery was then that is quite normal for the aerial roots and not something to worry about. I find that aerial roots that grow after I get it home don't do this, it happens all the time though to the ones that grew before I got it (in a moister environment).
If the roots in the pot are looking the same way, then you probably do need to up your watering.
05-31-2013, 08:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 53
05-31-2013, 12:49 PM
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It's not 100% safe to repot when something is in flower, but phalaenopsis seem to (on the whole) tolerate this fairly well as long as you don't mangle the roots too much.
If you're really concerned about the health of the plant, the general advice is "repot; you can always reflower a plant that's still alive"...
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