Brown Leaf Tips.
Hello, this is my first post. I have two plants that appear to be getting some sort of infection on the tips of their leaves. One is a Hawkinsara Koolau Sunset 'Hawaii' and the other is a Paphiopedilum Prime Child. The Hawkinsara has a total of four out of eight leaves infected, all on more recent growths, while the Paphiopedilum has 3 out of four older leaves infected. the Hawkinsara has been in my possession for approx. 3 weeks, and has been re-potted within the last 2 & 1/2, while for the Paphiopedilum, only one week and has not needed re-potting-I have no knowledge of the last time it has been re-potted. Both are from Carter and Holmes. They sit in a North-Eastern window with the blinds drawn in 74°F temperature. The Hawkinsara is misted daily while getting adjusted to the new pot, the Paphiopedilum is watered every few days. Aside from a SUPERthrive flush on the Hawkinsara after re-potting, no fertilizer.