This would have been my first success at re-blooming an Oncidium. Alas, both previously very healthy looking spikes have now broken off about an inch and a half from the top. I took some pictures (not for the faint at heart!), but the forum doesn't let link to them: www dot flickr dot com/photos/shaggy67/sets/72157629554755042/, I have attached medium sized versions below.
I noticed the first broken spike last night. From the looks of it, it had happened some hours before already. This morning, the second spike was broken and I know for sure that my 3 year old had not been outside yet, so don't blame him!
Obviously, physical damage seems the most likely explanation, but we did not have much wind at all over night and this is the only plant with damage.
On the pictures, you will likely notice the white mealybug-looking spots that are probably white mealybugs. I first noticed these a handful of days ago and sprayed with Bayer's Natria, which unfortunately does not seem to help much. Not sure if the bugs or the spray could have caused the spike damage... halp!!!