I have several rescue phals and being new to orchids themselves, I have no idea if these guys are healthy or not. One of them was one of those 'blue' orchids, from Walmart, and was given to me still bloomed. Now it's thru blooming, and I've cut back the spike some weeks ago. It's coming out with what I think are healthy roots, but it's got these purpleish 'pimples' and weird marks on the leaves. Someone has reconfigured my computer set up, and I don't know if I can retrieve the pic I'd take of this. And of course, my phone battery just died and so I have only this one so far to send. I will take more of the 'pimples' and send them. Also, at the risk of being a huge pain in the xxxx, I'll send pics of my oncidiums psuedo bulbs-they look wrinkled to me.