On the first picture, I noticed black spotting then yellowing streak then browning of the leaves. It looks like its a mite bite and fungi infestation. Your instinct is right: diluted physan(half capful to one gallon) is applied by dabbing the infected leaf with a cottom soaked in physan=save the rest for disinfecting tools and wiping the areas near it. Spraying the whole plant will affect the new buds and new leaves. If it spreads to the other leaves then physan the media and root area to kill eggs...chemicals might affect the roots so flush with water a day after... bringing the big guns is best when you see this kind of infestation...I would rather you deal with this now than make it spread...
Thank you. I already have sprayed the whole plant, and the other orchids that share the humidity tray. I didn't know about just using a cotton swab.. I hope I haven't done damage now. I pretty much sprayed all the leaves of all of them. Now what??help
repeat the process next week, then stop for two weeks and see if the fungi is gone...meanwhile continue with your regular regimen of caring for the orchid