This past Sunday I went to my local home improvement store to see if they had gotten a new orchid shipment. I was in luck. They had tons of bag babies, some of which my Lowes has never had before. I picked up a orange Rhynchostylis gigantea and instantly fell in love with it. I bought it home, took it out of the bag, and noticed that it was packed tightly in moss. I felt sorry for the plant because they need good air circulation around the roots. I soaked bark overnight and the following morning repotted it. The roots looked really good for the conditions they were in.
Today I realized that there seems to be discoloration on some of the leaves. The only thing that I can think of that could have casued this is sun exposure. It went from being in a bag with other plants on top of it to being outside under trellis with plenty of sun. It looks the same as when my vanda rinka got frozen this past winter. Does anyone know what this is and will it hurt my plant? Will I have to cut the infected leaves off? Any input is appreciated.

This is what it looked like yesterday.

Here is the leaf damage.