andys a wild orchid guy too so a lot of cleaning and preening isnt on the menu from andys...
that masdie is fine. I dont like spots on my leaves either but Im starting to just let things slide and let them go wild
its just a a plant dont get upset. at times unsightly leaves are as much an integral part of the plant as much as the beautiful flower. I remove them If possible but many dont . Preference...
I complained a few times about bad plants. Months later I still feel horrible about it. There people, and what looks to you as bad, might to them, with the thousands they see, actually look pretty damn good

..I just bought 3 dendrobiums and 2 look good one was and is very sad..He would replace it I'm sure, but he has to make a living and its probably not they fault. I personally feel like I dont wish to add to their cost of doing business as an orchid grower bec there are so few of them left we need to coddle them all we can while we can..So I accept
Ive come to understand that orchid growers and vendors have the same troubles we do with the plants. They have learned as maybe I have that small imperfections dont affect the ability of the plant to thrive if proper care is given.
We all love the perfect plant..Unfortunately they dont sell them