Hi Bob,
I hope sunburn is the entire problem. My Epi. Mabel Kanda has done much better this last year and I'm guessinig maybe it's because I gave it quite a bit more light than in the past...so I know now what you're saying. I'll keep an eye on the other two that I'm treating the same way and remember what you tell me.
I can see why the pictures of the medium are misleading. The plant's potted in a bark, charcoal (etc.) mix. Sometime in the past I read a post from someone who suggested adding an additional top layer of sphag in hopes of preventing moisture loss. At this early point in my newly acquired hobby of growing orchids, I'll try most anything that members more experienced than me suggest (well, that statement might be pushing it a little). After a trial period, I make the decision if the suggestion works in my conditions.....the sphag idea didn't. I just hadn't removed it from the plant yet. In fact, sphag hasn't worked for me except when trying for roots on a sick plant.
I did check the medium and roots and sadly the roots were dead except for some new ones. I trimmed the dead ones away then repotted.
Thanks for your encouragement and compliment on my other orchids. These nice remarks always helps a new grower along. Most of my catts are healthy and growing nicely, but I have had very, very few blooms from them...almost none to speak of. Maybe they're too young ?? Maybe not enough light ?? Time will tell..."you live, you learn". All of my phals have re-bloomed more than once, though. I've had a little luck with a few other different orchid types, as well....although some look healthy but haven't bloomed yet. All in all, orchids have been fun for me so far.
I appreciate your reply and advice,
Originally Posted by BobInBonita
I lean towards sunburn. I always try to keep my 'chids towards the high end, and when I go just over their tolerance they have gotten the leathery, brown- purple-red look like some of your leaves.
You mention you've had them two years, and it's hard for me to see the medium in your pictures. It looks kind of "barky" in one and mossy in another. Moss at two years can be iffy.
I would:
check the roots and media on both - repot now if rotten and when starting to grow if solid.
trim the leaves that look dried out,
trim the black areas.
The rest of your collection looks great. You're doing things right for most, probably just need some tweaking on these.