Be careful about
misting the leaves, it can lead to problems like you are seeing, especially if it's done late in the day (the plant goes to bed wet). Don't think it's light related, morning light is fine and at this time of year it's not so strong, so low sunburn risk.
I'm guessing that those leaves have some sort of bacterial infection going on, but other than that, I don't think that I can give you much more advice. But some of those damaged leaves (like the first pic) look like they got cold damage, but if the temperature is at 18-20°C, then that can't be it.
The Phals in the new photos are very badly dehydrated. I don't think the droopy blooms will perk up again. Either they're not getting enough water, or the roots are rotted. The visible roots and medium look quite dry, so I'm leaning for the first option. The only way to be sure is to have a look at the roots in the pot. If they're still alive, the plants just need some more water, and good long (1h even) soaks in the beginning would help. If the problem is rot related, then we can deal with that later.

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