Originally Posted by Anisa
The spots on leaves don't look to me like a sort of damage that is connected with a root condition.
I differ in opinion as to root rot not contributing to leaf blemishes. I've experienced leaf blemishes as a result of root damage.
Masdevallias and Disas are notorious for this. Particularly Disas.
With Disas, the leaf blemishes are easy to blame on mites, fungus, mechanical damage, etc. When the reality of it is, most of the leaf damage is caused by root damage -
not just the fore-mentioned possibilities.
While I realize that these are Cattleyas, I don't think they're too much different in the above mentioned regard.
But in this case, I wasn't really looking at the blemishes. I saw the pot size in relation to the size of the plants themselves.
In one of the photos, the Cattleya only had 4 growths and the pot size seemed somewhat large for a plant that size.
I saw the blemsihes, and yeah, they're ugly. I felt everyone covered that already. And I agree with the mites problem.
But I also saw another problem waiting to happen, if it hasn't happened already...
Root rot may also be contributing to your collection's issues - again,
not just the issue with mites.
It never hurts to check the roots for problems. You never know. Posting pics of the roots if you ["tuckerumn"] have concerns, would be helpful too. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.
When diagnosing for problems, it's not always as simple as a one stop solution. At times, it is as simple as finding one problem that solves it all. But sometimes, you gotta figure out if there are multiple causalities to your problems too.
This is why diagnosing problems is a challenge.