Originally Posted by Domino
I started collecting orchids this summer. I currently have 4. My newest is in great health, but I have a few who I am a little worried about. They still have flowers (although many have dropped) and there are little buds where new ones are coming. I am worried about their leaves. They are very dark, darker than when I got them, and wrinkly. I have them in a South facing window (the only window option I currently have). I water once every 8 or 9 days. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi. I am a newbie so take my comments with a grain of salt.

I had a orchid that looked a lot similar to your first picture...dark, wavy and even twisted leaves. Couldn't figure out why because it had done wonderful for years in that spot.
Well, I decided to repot and found the problem. There was some root rot. So I cleaned up the plant with new medium and got rid of the old stuff. Then changed the plant from a south window to an East window with all my other orchids. I bought a humidifier and got that going and started circulating my ceiling fan on low. The difference is amazing. I think the bad roots and low light (I had it about 2 ft. away from the actual south window) were the problem. Hope yours are doing well.