arghhh new to this black rot stuff...
Was bound to happen to one who didn't take any of this sterilize your stuff seriously. Wasn't really doing anything that I felt was needy of sterilization. Now I seem to have some plants that the black spots on them have turned to black rot..Noticed the new growth on a Beallara going south, took a better look and it had a soft, spongy, watery dark spot. The Beallara is not doing well bec it got sunburned from me leaving it on the porch. No direct sun but the 120 degree afternoon heat didn't help it. After looking and reading about these things, Its black rot. Then found it had taken a few bulbs on the catt that just bloomed. Lost a whole oncidium to it. The bulbs were completely mush and I think the oncidium was the progenator of the rot bec it had spots on it when I bought it. Have 2 miltoniopsis looks like they have it also .I cleaned the affected plants up and separated them from the rest of the herd. I just need to watch the rest before any more black rot moves in. And treat them all with some physan.
moral of the story..
Sterilize your tools.
Don't mix new plants you bring home with your good ones for a few weeks to make sure they are clean.
Don't re use media no matter how clean you think it is.
Don't use run off from your other plants to water the next one.
about 100 bucks in the trash can...

I have to re think how I'm going about this...either I have to do this right or not do it all..I don't like disease and rot and fungus and bugs and mold...or high end plastic