Hi Izzie,
I am sorry for not answering sooner. I missed this post somehow.
I don't believe you will be satisfied (and neither would I) unless you virus test the plants that bother you. You can order virus testers from Agdia.com. They are expensive at $5.00 a plant so you'll need to consider the cost on the replacement cost of the plant or if they have sentimental value.
You can send a piece of the plant in to a lab, not sure how much it costs. But I think it's a little cheaper, not sure.
The symptoms you see may be fungal or bacterial, I don't know. But if you really want to be sure, testing is the only way.
Believe me, I know the anguish you're feeling. I have over 200 orchids and am in the very expensive midst of testing them all.
I used to be of the thinking that what I don't know what hurt me or my orchids. But I have learned that plants that have bacterial and fungal infections all the time and seem to draw insects like magnets have a higher probability of virus.
This is not to say that all sickly plants have virus because they certainly don't! ...thank goodness!!
So, if you really want to know if they have virus, test them.
Good luck!!