I was at the Davie Orchid Societie's monthly meet in February and the speaker praised Physan 20 big time. But he specifically warned against spraying dendrobiums with it.
I have not yet used it but I use 2 different fungicdes on my chids, DITHANE M-45, and THIOMYL. The Thiomyl being a systemic, and Dithane topical.
Now I'm wondering if the white spotting on my Dendrobium Aggregetums. These spottings are almost the whole leaf on top turning whitish pale colour.
Also have some leaf loss on my cane Dendros, and possibly caused by the fungicide treatments.
So now I only mix small batches for my Onciciums and phals. Haven't had any problems with my catts, so they aren't being treated either.
Again, I'm not sure, just going on what I have recently heard....