i've used dawn on a test orchid about 2 weeks ago for mealies and so far the dawn has semed to kill the mealies and the plant *seems* to be fine. again, this is a TEST orchid so don't try the dawn unless you are ok with it if the orchid doesn't do so well.
Excellent recipe to kill insect without does pesticide I always use soap and alcohol but not together, now I going to try your recomendation.
I have thrips in my vandas and probably will worh go on does.
thanks for the info.
Liquid dish soap + rubbing alcohol + water. It did dry out one of the leaves on the new growth, but other than that, it was a great success.
I spray with the same soap/alcohol/water mix. Works great. You can also soak the whole pot in soapy water to kill whatever is hiding in between the roots.
The recipe that I get from my orchid society is 2oz of dishsoap and a gallon of water
You have to spray the plant after 1 week or 10 days again to kill the babies.