Thanks for answering. I just use the Orthene in the spray can (too lazy to mix) and spot spray any bugs I see on the leaves, canes, or bulbs. I don't really spray the roots so I didn't think the plant was absorbing too much systemically. It is good stuff but very stinky and I am afraid I am poisoning myself with the overspray.
I like the idea of killing only the sucking bugs. I use the Bayer on my hibiscus, ixora, and schaefalera (sp?) hedges for scale and mealies and it works great at preventing infestations. I just mix it up by the bucketful and pour it on the roots.
With the orchids do I soak the roots or spray them on plants like vandas?
Plants in bark mix and those clay ball things .. soak or spray?
Hit the leaves too? I don't want to lose any leaves or buds!
Everything is very well hydrated around here right now so it should be a good time to do this. I think the product I use is Bayer tree and shrub. Does it matter? Just make sure it is imicloprid 1.47% and dilute at 1 ounce per gallon of water, right?