Well, thanks all for the advice. I only found one small snail last night and hopefully I got them all. There is plenty of Sluggo and Ortho slug bait out there. So hopefully they are all dead or almost dead. I submerged the pots of dends that were getting eaten and nothing ever came out (or else they drowned). I am keeping those plants inside for a while so I can watch them closely (they are just babies

). We are getting rain every day now and the snails are able to get around easier.
Dorothy, I am far too lazy to repot these plants.

I must find another way!
Orchids3, I am going to try the tip you gave me tonight to see if I attract any more.

Great suggestion! I never thought of that before. I haven't ever seen palmetto bugs in the orchid house but the fruit might attract them too (good way to find out if they are out there).
Cullenperry, I wasn't going to put the salt on the orchids

, I put it in a paper cup and throw the snails in the cup of salt (I can't stand the thought of sqwishing them!

By the way, everyone thinks I am crazy now because of my midnight recon missions looking for snails on my orchids. This is one of those things that spouses and teenage kids don't understand.

Sigh, but my chids do!