I noticed issues with my Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica, at first areas of the leaves that appeared lighter, then little pit like damage and red or orange dots, maybe mites? Wondering if someone could help identify and suggest treatment options? I prefer least toxic route but also don’t want these to spread. Currently pregnant so staying away from chemicals, though I could have my husband spray if needed. Any insight is appreciated, thanks!
I attached a couple photos - it’s kind of hard to see the red dots, they just look like specks in the photo.
The little dots are scale. The stippling on the leaves might be spider mites. What do the undersides of the leaves look like? That's where spider mite damage is uaually most apparent.
I really have been preoccupied since middle of the month, I should have also noticed the first post. Big Welcome.
Please forgive me my sis passed on the 16th, makes me all alone of my family. It still shouldnt have made me miss a new member. Hope you find a new home here.