New growths turning brown and withering from the bottom up
This has been a rapid onset issue with a few of my plants, others not pictured here. Some of them weren't even growing in the same area when it started.
I've been admittedly neglecting most of my orchids for the past year or so, rarely fertilizing and underwatering for sure. But I'm confused by this particular pattern of die-off. It starts with the NEWEST growths and from the bottom up, not from the leaf tips. In the case of the Prosthechea cochleata, I cut off all of the affected portion of the rhizome to prevent spread, but that did nothing. It has progressed unabated. This doesn't seem to be a problem of rot because, if anything, I'm way underwatering these specific plants. I barely ever bother to humidify this space, and it's been dry as a bone down there.
Is this a virus or just a plain sad depressed plant that needs some ordinary TLC? It's just so weird and rapid. Even the dying parts of the plants are putting out new roots (you can't see this in the pics).