I found this little guy struggling in a grocery store. It had little blossoms that were too cute not to try! Question is what is going on here. Is it some sort of fungus that can be treated with Physan 20? I have it isolated from the others in my collection until I can figure it out. The white does not scrape off and the black is dry and leathery not squishy. I am hoping for something like sunburn or cold damage, but it’s just different than I’m used to seeing. It does have some decent healthy roots and I just gave it a soak as it was bone dry and blasting many buds.
I have a proper pot and medium so once I know how to proceed I will get it in the right situation, I am ok if the blooms need to go right now.
Thanks. I’ve got it in quarantine for the time being and maybe I will just watch it to see if it progresses. I have some Phyton 27 on the way and that might take care of fungal/bacterial issues.
Wanted to post an update. Gave it a good time in quarantine and watched it. The spots have not changed at all. Thankfully, I think it is sunburn, maybe from artificial lights.
Phals. are low light plants. Natural light near a window is usually sufficient intensity for them, but daylength in northern climates may not be long enough. Electric lights may be used to extend daylength in Winter, but they don't need to be close to the lights.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.